Hui Zeng
Hui Zeng currently is a Ph.D student in School of Computer at National University of Defense Technology (NUDT), advised by Prof. Zhiping Cai. Previously, I received my bachelor degree (Software Engineering) at Sun Yat-sen University (SYSU), and my master degree at NUDT. My current interests including Federated learning, One-shot Federated Learning, Backdoor Attacks, Security of AIGC.
- [JPDC]
Hui Zeng, Tongqing Zhou, Yeting Guo, Zhiping Cai* and Fang Liu.
“Towards Value-sensitive and Poisoning-proof Model Aggregation for Federated Learning on Heterogeneous Data”.
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing~(JPDC).
- [ACM MM]
Hui Zeng, Minrui Xu, Tongqing Zhou*, Xinyi Wu, Jiawen Kang, Zhiping Cai*, Dusit Tao Niyato.
“One-shot-but-not-degraded Federated Learning”.
in Proceedings of ACM International Conference on Multimedia~(ACM MM).
[Paper] [Appendix] [Code]
- [IoTJ]
Wu, Hongjia, Hui Zeng, Tongqing Zhou*, Zhiping Cai*, Zehui Xiong, Dusit Tao Niyato and Zhu Han.
“From Eye to Brain: A Proactive and Distributed Crowdsensing Framework for Federated Learning.”
IEEE Internet of Things Journal (IoTJ) (2023): 8202-8214.
(Q1, CCF-C)
- [SRDS]
Hui Zeng, Tongqing Zhou*, Xinyi Wu, Zhiping Cai*.
“Never Too Late: Tracing and Mitigating Backdoor Attacks in Federated Learning.”
Proc. of IEEE International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS) (2022): 69-81.
(CCF-B, acceptance rate=23%) Best paper candidate!!
[Paper] [Presentation] [Code]
- [ICPP]
Hui Zeng, Tongqing Zhou*, Yeting Guo, Zhiping Cai* and Fang Liu.
“FedCav: Contribution-aware Model Aggregation on Distributed Heterogeneous Data in Federated Learning.”
Proc. of International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP) (2021): 1-10.
(CCF-B, acceptance rate=26.4%)
[Paper] [Presentation] [Code] - [Ubicomp]
Guo, Yeting, Fang Liu*, Zhiping Cai, Hui Zeng, Li Chen, Tongqing Zhou and Nong Xiao*.
“PREFER: Point-of-interest REcommendation with efficiency and privacy-preservation via Federated Edge leaRning.”
Proc. ACM Interact. Mob. Wearable Ubiquitous Technol. 5 (2021): 13:1-13:25. (CCF-A)
- [Best Paper Candidate] The 41st IEEE International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems, 2022.
- [National Scholarship, 2017]
- [National Scholarship, 2018]
- [Distributed Data Management Module in HarmonyOS] Aug. 2022 - Jun 2023